Sunday, November 11, 2012

Film review 3

1) In 50 words or less tell what the film was about.
Napoleon Dynamite was about an alienated high schooler who lives with his 34-year brother and grandmother. Napoleon is awkward and has almost no friends at school, but meets pedro, who recently moved from mexico. He helps pedro run for class president, and Pedro ends up winning.

2) What was more important/memorable/significant? The plot or the characters? Why?
The most important part of the movie was when Napoleon does his dancing skit in front of the entire school. It was a turning point for him. The character is most important in the movie, as he is funny to watch and it seems like he is always bored with life.

3) What did you take away from the film?
I didn't take anything away from this film, except that high school was a lot harder back then.

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